Harapan, Usaha dan
Target Untuk Bahasa Inggris
Maksud hati memeluk
gunung, apa daya tangan tak sampai. Itulah pepatah yang sesuai dengan harapan
yang sedang saya alami saat ini. Saya bingung, bimbang, tidak tau apa yang
harus saya lakukan. Apakah yang terjadi pada saya saat ini. Semangat belajar
saya runtuh, kepercayaan diri saya luluh dan melayang jauh. Apa yang terjadi
pada diri saya? Apakah saya kurang memperhatikan atau merasa kurang di
perhatikan? Yang jelas tidak ada penguatan yang saya rasakan hingga detik ini. Segudang harapan dan target yang saya tancapkan
pada diri saya perlahan mulai terkikis. Saya mencoba untuk terus mengais
setitik asa yang masih tersisa hingga akhirnya harapan itu bisa saya genggam
dengan peluh dan kerja keras saya. Bagaimanapun kondisi saya saat ini, saya
harus bangkit, saya tidak ingin semakin terpuruk oleh keadaan. Dan satu hal
lagi adalah saya tidak boleh menunggu
hujan turun untuk memulai menyemai benih-benih harapan itu. Saya tidak
boleh lemah dan lengah. Saya yakin jika saya bersungguh-sungguh dan yakin
dengan segala kemampuan saya sendiri, maka saya akan menuai dan memetik
hasilnya dengan lebih baik. Pepatah mengatakan sebuah besi tidak akan pernah
menjadi pisau yang tajam tanpa melalui proses pembakaran dan penempaan. Bagi
saya nilai itu tidaklah penting walaupun saya tau itu adalah gambaran usaha
yang kita lakukan. Namun saya punya
prinsip bahwa kesuksesan bukanlah seberapa besar hasil yang kita dapatkan,
tetapi seberapa besar usaha dan kerja keras kita untuk mencapai hasil tersebut.
Untuk harapan saya,
tentunya mata kuliah bahasa Inggris saya ingin mendapat nilai A. Tetapi yang
perlu dicatat adalah bukan hanya sekedar nilai, namun nilai tersebut harus
sejalan dan seimbang dengan usaha dan kerja keras yang saya lakukan. Karena
saya pernah berjanji bahwa saya akan berusaha
sekuat tenaga, sesulit dan seberat apapun itu. Saya tidak aan pernah
merasa kecewa dan putus asa dengan hasil yang saya dapatkan nantinya jika saya
sudah berusaha dan berjuang keras untuk mencapai dan menggenggam harapan itu.
Karena keberhasilan terbesar dalam hidup saya adalah ketika saya mau dan mampu
bangkit dari sebuah kegagalan.
Hope ,
effort , and Target For English
Mean heart hug the mountain , what hand power up . That is a saying that according to the expectations that I am experiencing at this time . I'm confused , wavering , do not know what I should do . What happens to me now . Eager to learn I collapsed , my confidence melted and floated away . What happened to me ? Do I pay less attention or feel less noticed ? Clearly there is no gain that I feel to this day . Myriad expectations and targets which I plug it in me slowly began to erode . I tried to continue to earn a speck of hope that remains until the end I hope it can be handheld with my sweat and hard work . However my current condition , I have to get up , I do not want getting worse by the state . And another thing is I can not wait for rain to begin to sow the seeds of hope . I should not be weak and careless . I 'm sure if I really meant it , and believe with all my own abilities , then I will reap and reap better results . Proverb says an iron will never be without a sharp knife through the combustion process and forging . For me the value is not important although I know it is a picture which we do business . But I have a principle that success is not how much the results we get , but how much effort and hard work we are to achieve these results .
For my hope , of course, English language courses I want to get an A. But what should be noted is not just a value , but the value must be consistent and balanced with effort and hard work that I do . Because I had promised that I would bend over backwards , and no matter how hard it is . I do not aan never felt disappointed and discouraged with my results later when I 've tried and struggled hard to reach and hold that hope . Because the greatest success of my life was when I was willing and able to rise from a failure .
Mean heart hug the mountain , what hand power up . That is a saying that according to the expectations that I am experiencing at this time . I'm confused , wavering , do not know what I should do . What happens to me now . Eager to learn I collapsed , my confidence melted and floated away . What happened to me ? Do I pay less attention or feel less noticed ? Clearly there is no gain that I feel to this day . Myriad expectations and targets which I plug it in me slowly began to erode . I tried to continue to earn a speck of hope that remains until the end I hope it can be handheld with my sweat and hard work . However my current condition , I have to get up , I do not want getting worse by the state . And another thing is I can not wait for rain to begin to sow the seeds of hope . I should not be weak and careless . I 'm sure if I really meant it , and believe with all my own abilities , then I will reap and reap better results . Proverb says an iron will never be without a sharp knife through the combustion process and forging . For me the value is not important although I know it is a picture which we do business . But I have a principle that success is not how much the results we get , but how much effort and hard work we are to achieve these results .
For my hope , of course, English language courses I want to get an A. But what should be noted is not just a value , but the value must be consistent and balanced with effort and hard work that I do . Because I had promised that I would bend over backwards , and no matter how hard it is . I do not aan never felt disappointed and discouraged with my results later when I 've tried and struggled hard to reach and hold that hope . Because the greatest success of my life was when I was willing and able to rise from a failure .
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